Eco Warriors/ Arwyr Eco
Nod Addysg ar gyfer Datblygu Cynaliadwy a Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang (ADCDFE) yw sicrhau bod dysgwyr o bob oedran yn deall effaith eu dewisiadau ar bobl eraill, yr economi a’r amgylchedd.
Bwriad Ysgol Bro Eirwg yw i herio dysgwyr i weld sut y gallant gyfrannu at fywydau pobl eraill. Mae'n cael ei gynnwys o fewn pynciau amrywiol iawn a hefyd yn cael ei hybu gan y Cyngor Eco hwn.
Mae saith thema ynghlwm wrth Addysg ar gyfer Datblygu Cynaliadwy a Dinasyddiaeth Fyd-eang, sef:
- yr amgylchedd naturiol
- defnydd a gwastraff
- newid yn yr hinsawdd
- cyfoeth a thlodi
- hunaniaeth a diwylliant
- dewisiadau a phenderfyniadau
- iechyd.
Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship (ESDGC) seeks to give learners, at all stages of education, an understanding of the impact of their choices on other people, the economy and the environment.
Ysgol Bro Eirwg aims to challenge our pupils to see how they can contribute to the lives of others. It is embedded in a wide range of subjects and also promoted by this particular Council.
The aims are built around 7 themes:
- the natural environment
- consumption and waste
- climate change
- wealth and poverty
- identity and culture
- choices and decisions
- health.